Web filtering & DNS security

Essential Vital Critical Reliable Intelligent Affordable Protection for your Business
Secure DNS
Gain visibility of web browsing
What is DNS?
Why is DNS Protection necessary?
DNS protocols were never designed with security in mind, and are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as: cache poisoning, Distributed Denial of Service, botnets, man-in-the-middle, and hijacking. DNS hijacking is a process where someone redirects your traffic to a destination other than the one you intended. DNS protection can help secure both commercial and home networks, as many people have found their professional and personal lives blurred, it is important to make sure that the service travels with you.
Ultimately, there is no silver bullet, there never has been, and there never will be. But by implementing security layers that protect users and data though all the stages of an attack, it’s possible to achieve a state of 'cyber resilience', in which businesses and end users can bounce back—even in the face of massive security breaches, cyberattacks, and data loss.
DNS Filter
All outbound web traffic is routed through a threat intelligence engine before reaching its destination.
Real-world results show that filtering outbound DNS requests through the Webroot service will stop malware and unwanted inbound network traffic before it ever hits endpoints or networks.